For a sustainable future
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The real playing field is outside of the box
Achieving goals is not a straightforward process. The (business) playing field goes beyond the visible framework and is influenced by social and personal factors and multiple players. To become successful, it is important to see which factors 'outside the lines' have impact! Buiten de Lijnen (wich means 'outside of the box') wants to inspire organisations to invest in themselves and in a sustainable future by creating long-term strategies, facilitating the necessary transition and 'broaden the organisations comfort zone' for successfully change. We help you in reliasing your ambition.
How we work
Current issues from society and the policies of other organizations, institutions and the government have an influence in achieving your goals and therewith the interests of your customers/supporters. Using a 4 steps-based scenario planning method, we map out how a sustainable future for your organisation looks like and what strategy fits your future ambition. An important part of this process is identifying the stakeholder-playing-field that is relevant for achieving your goals. We do this with sense for political relationships and momentum for agenda setting and advocacy.
A good strategy will broaden your network, improve your reputation and increase your influence.
The final product is a future ambition (mission, vision) and a corresponding strategy for a future-proof course!

Buiten de Lijnen is founded by Eveline Scheres MBA.
A the base of ‘buiten de lijnen’ approach lies
creative (lateral) thinking. Looking at things from a different perspective and using an ‘outside-in-approach’ enabling innovation and change. Futhermore, if you step over your own shadow, new possibilities arise.
Eveline is an innovator with passion for connection.
She has senior expertise in strategy building, transitions, advocacy, leadership and chairing (inter)national partnerships. She knows her way in (political) environments with many stakeholders and can interact with people at all levels. Besides creating strategies, Eveline can implement them, knowing that success in
the future depends on decisions made today put into action! Her specialty is ‘putting paper in to the dynamics of practise’, while motivating people to take action.
Eveline is also an experienced conference day chair and workshop leader. Former colleagues describe her as involved, sincere, decisive, ambitious, open, enthusiastic and 'gets the job done!'
Interested to find out what 'the outside the lines approach' can implicate for your organisation?
Please contact Eveline for an exploratory meeting at +31632278149 or e.scheres@buitendelijnen.nl